Peninsula Massage

Spring Is In The Air Another Great Deal for you:

If you introduce a new client to Peninsula Massage before the end of Spring 2010 you get $20 off your next one hour massage.
So introduce your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband/Mother/Father!

Don’t forget this Great Deal:

When you have 9 one Hour massages at Peninsula Massage.

You will get the 10th one Hour Massage FREE.







You're coughing and sneezing and tired and achy. You think that you might be getting a cold. Later, when the medicines you've been taking to relieve the symptoms of the common cold are not working and you've now got a terrible headache, you finally drag yourself to the doctor. After listening to your history of symptoms, examining your face and forehead, and perhaps doing a sinus X-ray, the doctor says you have sinusitis.
Sinusitis simply means your sinuses are infected or inflamed, but this gives little indication of the misery and pain this condition can cause. Health care experts usually divide sinusitis cases into

• Acute, which lasts for 3 weeks or less
• Chronic, which usually lasts for 3 to 8 weeks but can continue for months or even years
• Recurrent, which is several acute attacks within a year
What are sinuses?

Click here for more information




“The best invention in massage since the couch replaced the floor”


Imagine you are floating on a bed of warm water.

You are about to experience a complete aromatherapy body massage – but you aren’t going to turn over even once!


Lying on two pillows of warm water, kept at a pleasurable 35 degrees, you remain face up throughout the entire treatment. No more uncomfortable face holes.


Your whole body is supported in perfect spinal alignment.


The usual disruption of turning over just as you are completely relaxed, is avoided. . . only the sensation of floating and the feeling of warmth envelopes you.


A totally unique experience. . .


Another Deal: When you get more than 9 massages a year with Peninsula Massage,
You will get a one Hour Massage FREE within the month of your Birthday.

Neil Evers J.P. D.R.M. C.H.P  C.S.
266 Barrenjoey Road, Newport Beach 2106
Ph / Fax: 02 9999 3045   Mobile: 0419 219 770

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